Sunday, April 29, 2012

22 WEEKS and Other Random Things

The first pic is from this week at 22 weeks and the second is last week's at 21 weeks. I swear the belly looks bigger in last week's pic but maybe thats because its closer up...???? Lol it certainly feels bigger now. And yes, I always wear the same pj's and then take the belly picture first thing friday mornings :)

I won't do the pregnancy survey this week since the last one was late and only a few days ago. But I will show you what has to say about baby this week :)

How Big Is Baby?

Your Baby: Week 22

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

My mom and I had a very successful shopping trip at the mall yesterday. We picked out baby girl's bedding at Pottery Barn Kids, got me some more maternity shorts, the most comfy sandals ever, a pregnancy pillow, and some sunglasses for Kenadie.
My feet have been killing me lately since I only wear flats to work. Not enough padding between the bottom of my feet and the ground added to the extra weight I'm carrying around - not a good combo! So I was so happy to see these Nike padded sandals in the window of Women's Footlocker. They are so comfy and I'm thinking they might be a lifesaver for my feet this summer. I also got the Boppy pregnancy pillow because my hips have been hurting so much during the night and I've been told it will only get worse! 

Then we went to Pottery Barn Kids and fell in love with the mix-and-match ways of their bedding. The bumper we got is very traditional with flowers but her crib sheet will be hot pink gingham. I will show pictures as soon as we buy it and get it set up! My mom bought the mobile that goes along with it and its my favorite part of her whole bedding set! 

My sandals, new pilates pregnancy DVD (wonderful!), and body pillow

The sham that goes with the bedding

Sunglasses and mobile

  Mommy cam shot 

Dog park is becoming a Friday afternoon tradition :))

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Overdue Update: 21 Weeks!

Apparently my computer is absolutely refusing to post my last import of photos so I cannot give you a belly picture this week. I will have Tony work on it when he gets home and post it then! 

How far along: 21 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Up 17lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: I'm sleeping ok but really uncomfortable/sore when I wake up, especially my hips and neck and back. I'm falling apart!
Best moment this week: Waking up on a gorgeous, warm Saturday morning! 
Movement? Lots of kicks! Tony has felt her move a bunch now too. She usually calms down when he puts his hand on my belly but she has given his hand some good kicks now!
Food cravings: A deli sandwich
Gender prediction: GIRL
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: Sushi and deli meat 
What I am looking forward to: I can tell you what I am not looking forward glucose test. I am NOT looking forward to drinking that sugary drink then having my blood drawn. I have heard it tastes like warm, flat sprite with lots of sugar... and you have to drink it in 5 min or less! Ahhhh
Milestones: Over halfway there!!!
Things I've been experiencing this week: No energy, bigger boobs with stretch marks on them (sorry tmi)
Showing? Yes! My belly is definitely growing. Most everyone comments on it now 
Size of baby: Size of a banana, about 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces. 
What Baby is up to: "Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch." - The Also, she already has her lifetime supply of eggs in her own little womb - about 6 million eggs! Craaaazzzy

These past couple of weeks have been crazy busy with my new job, Tony's job and classes, events, etc. We had our appointment with the high risk OB on Friday to have a level 2 ultrasound to check on baby. He said everything looks great and he does not need to take over my pregnancy. YAY! We got some cool pictures of her, too bad I can't post them yet! Then friday night, I went out to dinner with friends Lindsey and Karli and had a blast talking and catching up. I miss those girls, we are all so busy its hard to find time to get together. Saturday, Tony, his dad, cousin Dad, and friend John played in a cornhole tournament at That Bar. Tony and Dan lost one game, then won one game, then lost to Kurt and John which got them out of the competition. But Kurt and John went pretty far! I think they got 5th out of 15 teams...not too shabby! Sunday I was just exhausted all day...we did our usual grocery shopping then met our friend Steph for coffee. That about sums it up. Now in the work week. Only 7 weeks and 2 days until summer!!!! Not that I'm counting or anything :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sick. Boo

Tony had the flu a couple of weeks ago and I was just starting to think I somehow avoided it. Nooope. Last night I woke up feeling really achy and freezing. This morning I was way more achy with a scratchy throat and mild fever of 99.7. Getting sick over spring break is bittersweet...on one hand I don't have to call in sick to the new job, but on the other hand there was so much I was planning on getting done over break! Like painting the nursery. Oh well, I guess it will have to wait. We have lots of time anyways :)

We did get the results of the anatomy scan today, but it was a hassle! They told me they would call Monday (today) morning and by the time 4pm rolls around, still no call. I called and had to go through a bunch of people and phone calls back before the midwife finally called around 5:45. She explained the only abnormal thing they found was the 2-vessel cord (duh, we knew that but they seemed to have forgotten). Otherwise I'm happy to report everything else was perfectly normal! They said her heart looked great, her stomach and kidneys looked great, good level of amniotic fluid and the placenta was in the right position in the back of my uterus. I'm so happy it all went ok.

We had a great weekend celebrating Easter with our family. Here are some pictures from the holiday

The next pictures are of some of the cutest boys ever Aiden and Austin. They belong to Tony's cousin Kim so technically they are our second cousins but honestly I just refer to them as our nephews! Look at just how cute they are

After spending time with Tony's family, we went to my moms and had another Easter dinner. Here is us dying some eggs with our niece Angelina

Since my day today was spend on the couch, I had some very cute nap partners

Ok now I am off to couch and TV time again. Have a good week everyone!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

19 WEEKS & Anatomy Scan

How far along: 19 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Up 14
Maternity clothes? Both - mostly maternity
Sleep: Ok
Best moment this week: Getting out for spring break!! Woo hooo
Movement? Definitely more this week. Some days I have been feeling her a lot. Last night I could even feel her from the outside, but poor Tony...everytime I hurry him over to feel, she stops moving. He will leave his hand on my belly for a few minutes then as soon as he gets up she starts again. Its a little funny but I think he is starting to get frustrated 
Food cravings: A deli sandwich
Gender prediction: GIRL
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: Sushi and deli meat 
What I am looking forward to: Sleeping in this week!
Milestones: Feeling her move from the outside
Things I've been experiencing this week: Thirsty, no energy after work 
Showing? Yes, more people ask now 
Size of baby: Size of a mango, about 6 inches. And she measured in at about 10oz yesterday at our scan 
What Baby is up to: Working on her 5 senses. 

Had our anatomy scan yesterday and baby girl was on the move. She was giving the tech a little bit of a hard time because she kept moving and kicking her legs all over the place. The tech said she wasn't allowed to tell us any information- the doctor will call and give us the results on Monday. Of course this worries me. I just want everything to be ok with her. I will give an update as soon as we hear. 

On a different note, We are really excited to be on spring break! We are looking forward to a week of sleeping in, working on the nursery, and maybe baby shopping (?). Of course some other fun things mixed in as well. Tomorrow is Easter and we are going to the Easter service at our church in the morning, lunch/dinner with Tony's family in the afternoon, and dinner at my mom's house. Its going to be a busy fun day! 
More updates as things happen this week. Have a great Easter everyone!!! :)

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” 
Matthew 28:5-6

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This Week

Me leaning forward/bending over...Kenadie is not a fan. (Did I mention we are naming her Kenadie?) She thumps like crazy whenever I am leaning forward. I guess I am squishing her...? But I love feeling her move around! I wish it would happen more often as I can only feel her a couple times a day and only a few thumps each time. I'll just have to be patient :)

In other news, I started my new job today. It seems like it will be a lot of work and a lot of getting used to different policies and procedures, but who knows, maybe I'll like it. I really like working with the kiddos but unfortunately majority of the job seems like paperwork and meetings.

We took the puppies to the dog park today and of course as soon as we get there we realize its Tuesday and the park is always closed on Tuesdays for maintenance. And by this time Zoey already sees the park and is starting to whine to get out of the car, so we got out to walk them for a bit. And took a family photo...

Then we went out to dinner with Tony's parents and took a couple of pictures to show off the bump

Ok, off to spend some quality time with the couch!