Sunday, September 30, 2012

Photo Challenge

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The photo challenge from the Paper Mama this week is "Favorite photo from the summer." Unfortunately we don't have a lot of Kenadie that show off summertime because she was born at the end of our summer. But I found this one of her in her adorable sunglasses! Looks summerish to me! Is this girl cute or what???

P.S. I am so overdue for an update! Coming in the next few days! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

6 Weeks Old!

Kenadie will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! She is just the sweetest little girl ever. She is so beautiful inside and out. I am loving spending every day with her! Since last Friday night, she has only gotten up 1-2 times a night sleeping much longer stretches. I hope I'm not speaking too soon but we seem to be on our way to sleeping through the night! She also started smiling this week. The first one was for daddy, not her mom who is home with her all day! But since that first one she has given me a couple of good ones. We are talking huge gummy smiles. Adorable! We have yet to capture it on the camera but I can't wait to share when we do!

I know...mean mama for taking pictures of my crying baby

Looooves her gym

From the video monitor during nap time

Starbucks date with daddy. Yes, I nurse her anywhere and everywhere!

This was my initiation into the "moms club." I was on my way to my postpartum appointment when I heard her spit up (understatement). So I pulled over, got in the backseat and it was everywhere. I got her out of her seat and cleaned her up only to find that I didn't pack enough wipes. We quickly ran out so I had to use her blanket to wipe down her carseat and my clothes and my arms. Thankfully I had a back up onsie but when I changed her I noticed her diaper was wet so I started changing her on my lap and what did this girl do?? She spray pooped on my hands and shirt! Lol it was quite the comedy show! Then to top it off, when we finally made it to the appointment, she screamed the whole time in the waiting room which she never usually does. What a morning! 

Just hangin in her carseat

Sweetest hiney EVER!

Shopping at Target

Naptime with daddy

Haha I love this big booty


Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

"N is for Nap"

One of the blogs that I follow, The Paper Mama, does a weekly photo challenge. Each week is a new topic and the photo has to be focused on your children (baby/child or pets). This is my first time to enter and the challenge is "Starts with the letter..."

Monday, September 10, 2012

1 Month Old!

I can't believe its been a whole month! It seems to have flown by but at the same time it feels like she has always been with us. We have been having so much fun watching her grow, her little facial expressions, and little noises she makes. She makes the sweetest most feminine little noises. Its really adorable!

Here's whats been going on:


Not too bad! She is actually great at breastfeeding. She latches on really well. Its so cute...on the weekends Tony helps at night and does her diaper changes. She hates getting her diaper changed so she cries the whole time, but as soon as he hands her to me, she attacks the boob and starts sucking away as happy as can be. Such a sweet girl when eating. We are still going to our Breastfeeding Support Group which has been great and we always get tons of information when we go. 


Eh..could be better. We are trying a nighttime routine of bath, swaddle, eat, then bed. When she goes to bed she sleeps about 2-3 hours. But then she's up every 1-2 hours after. We are trying to fix this but I know she is still just a newborn so it might take some time. Last Thursday and Friday nights were the best though!! She only woke up at 3am and 6am and was up only to feed for 20 minutes and then back to sleep. It was glorious! Hoping to accomplish this again one night soon...


I can't believe how in love we are with this girl. Its cheesy but there's a line in the movie Where the Heart Is when she meets her baby girl and says "how can you love someone so much you just met?" SO TRUE! This girl is part of us and a part of our family. 

To my beautiful baby girl: You filled a place in my heart that only you could fill and you made me a mama. There is nothing comparable to being your mom, even though it has only been a month. It's only by an amazing miracle that God chose me to be your mommy. I am so thankful for His Grace that brought us together. It's also incredible to see the love your daddy has for you. You are his little girl and I'm pretty sure you already have him wrapped around your little finger. Daddy and I love you so much!