I know...mean mama for taking pictures of my crying baby
Looooves her gym
From the video monitor during nap time
Starbucks date with daddy. Yes, I nurse her anywhere and everywhere!
This was my initiation into the "moms club." I was on my way to my postpartum appointment when I heard her spit up (understatement). So I pulled over, got in the backseat and it was everywhere. I got her out of her seat and cleaned her up only to find that I didn't pack enough wipes. We quickly ran out so I had to use her blanket to wipe down her carseat and my clothes and my arms. Thankfully I had a back up onsie but when I changed her I noticed her diaper was wet so I started changing her on my lap and what did this girl do?? She spray pooped on my hands and shirt! Lol it was quite the comedy show! Then to top it off, when we finally made it to the appointment, she screamed the whole time in the waiting room which she never usually does. What a morning!
Just hangin in her carseat
Sweetest hiney EVER!
Shopping at Target
Naptime with daddy
Haha I love this big booty
shes so adorable! they grow up way too fast, cherish every moment!