Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Overdue Update: 21 Weeks!

Apparently my computer is absolutely refusing to post my last import of photos so I cannot give you a belly picture this week. I will have Tony work on it when he gets home and post it then! 

How far along: 21 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Up 17lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: I'm sleeping ok but really uncomfortable/sore when I wake up, especially my hips and neck and back. I'm falling apart!
Best moment this week: Waking up on a gorgeous, warm Saturday morning! 
Movement? Lots of kicks! Tony has felt her move a bunch now too. She usually calms down when he puts his hand on my belly but she has given his hand some good kicks now!
Food cravings: A deli sandwich
Gender prediction: GIRL
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: Sushi and deli meat 
What I am looking forward to: I can tell you what I am not looking forward to..my glucose test. I am NOT looking forward to drinking that sugary drink then having my blood drawn. I have heard it tastes like warm, flat sprite with lots of sugar... and you have to drink it in 5 min or less! Ahhhh
Milestones: Over halfway there!!!
Things I've been experiencing this week: No energy, bigger boobs with stretch marks on them (sorry tmi)
Showing? Yes! My belly is definitely growing. Most everyone comments on it now 
Size of baby: Size of a banana, about 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces. 
What Baby is up to: "Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch." - The Bump.com. Also, she already has her lifetime supply of eggs in her own little womb - about 6 million eggs! Craaaazzzy

These past couple of weeks have been crazy busy with my new job, Tony's job and classes, events, etc. We had our appointment with the high risk OB on Friday to have a level 2 ultrasound to check on baby. He said everything looks great and he does not need to take over my pregnancy. YAY! We got some cool pictures of her, too bad I can't post them yet! Then friday night, I went out to dinner with friends Lindsey and Karli and had a blast talking and catching up. I miss those girls, we are all so busy its hard to find time to get together. Saturday, Tony, his dad, cousin Dad, and friend John played in a cornhole tournament at That Bar. Tony and Dan lost one game, then won one game, then lost to Kurt and John which got them out of the competition. But Kurt and John went pretty far! I think they got 5th out of 15 teams...not too shabby! Sunday I was just exhausted all day...we did our usual grocery shopping then met our friend Steph for coffee. That about sums it up. Now in the work week. Only 7 weeks and 2 days until summer!!!! Not that I'm counting or anything :)

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