I haven't posted much lately because we have been so busy! We are always on the go and thats the way we like it! Kenadie is hilarious. She is laughing a lot and it sounds like a huge deep inhale/gasp. Best sound ever. And she has little "conversations" with us and just babbles on and on in her baby language. She is sleeping 7-9 hours usually at night...last night she slept 10 hours! She usually goes to bed when we go to bed around 11:30. But she is always pretty fussy at night so last night we decided to try to put her to bed early and see what would happen. So we started her bedtime routine around 8pm...Bath, swaddle, eat while reading Goodnight Moon. We brought her Rock n Play (what she sleeps in) and our rain sound machine into her nursery, put her in it, turned on the monitor, and went downstairs. The girl slept until I went and got her up at 6:30! I'm wondering how long she would have slept if I hadn't gotten her up. I did our morning routine of getting her up, unswaddling her and changing her diaper, then reswaddling, feed, and back to bed for 2-3 hours. She is an awesome baby! We are trying the same thing tonight, except she is up in her room asleep now but has woken up twice already. Hopefully that was the last time and she will sleep til morning again!
Here's what we've been up to lately
She LOVES sucking on either her fingers/whole fist or my knuckles
Morning stretches!
Can't get over this face...
Looove this smiley girl. So rare to get an after-bath smile! Usually she cries so hard after we get her out of the bath.
She was very entertained in our playgroup...
More naps with daddy
Loves her stroller bugs!
Put em up!
I went up to Napa for a friend's bachelorette party so Kenadie was home with daddy. He sent me this pic of her in the morning!
Afternoon walk with Nonni
A few nights ago, she was so sleepy she fell asleep during her bath!
Sunday walk to Starbucks with mommy and daddy
Kenni and her cousin Austin. SO cute together!